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A dynamically expanding ecosystem of fully supported winery solutions

For over a decade the Grape Squad has worked with our clients to curate a collection of "Best-Of-Breed" systems to support winery commerce business processes across a range of software solutions. Of course, what ranks as "Best-Of-Breed" for one winery may not be for another with a different mix of business operations. In addition, our client base is so diverse we are learning something new almost every day about what technologies are best suited to the very wide range of business activities wineries get into, and how best to support winery staff in leveraging those systems.


The more we see how different wineries solve the challenges they face with different solutions, the easier it becomes for us to support new systems across the same business processes. If you don't see a system you love on the list please let us know! 


Point of sale

Often the most critical piece of technology.


These three systems are the core technologies for most wineries - sell in-person, sell online, and account for all that activity.

Gift card program

Sell and redeem gift cards online and in your Point Of Sale

wine club/compliance

Many of our clients believe subscription wine clubs are the future of wineries.

production control

The Grape Squad supports wineries from Seed to Sale to Social


Group tastings, events, lodging, ...


Point Of Sale

Revel Systems POS


When Hazlitt 1852 Vineyards contracted WineryConnect in 2014 to evaluate Point Of Sale (POS) systems they knew what they didn’t want. Hazlitt had plenty of experience with old POS systems which were hard to maintain, inflexible, and difficult or impossible to integrate with other business systems. They were ready for something new.


By working out a detailed RFP with Hazlitt’s key personnel, WineryConnect arrived at the best solution for them with Revel POS Systems, a next-generation POS provider focused on winery operations. WineryConnect has now partnered with Revel to deploy and support the Revel POS, and we have extended its capabilities with our own offerings. Over the years WineryConnect has helped Hazlitt grow their Revel deployment across multiple businesses at different locations as well as at some 2 festivals per week across the US throughout the summer.

For more information check out this PDF: WineryConnect Offers A Complete Winery Solution


Revel POS supports:
  • Tasting Room Sales

  • Offline Operation

  • Cafés and Restaurants

  • Gift Shop

  • Loyalty Programs

  • Flexible Discounts

  • Gift Card Programs

  • Staff and Shift Management

  • Off-Site Sales

  • Real-Time Analysis

  • Web-Based Reporting on Any Device

  • Customizable Options

  • Employee Training

Square -​

Square is extremely easy to get set up and (depending on what features you need) is free on a monthly basis. As your winery grows you will likely find that you are paying more than you need to for payment processing with Square, but we've had several clients get going with Square before migrating to a more traditional POS several years in as their payment processing volume increased.

Online Store

Nexternal - Well Established Winery eCommerce & Wine Club


Nexternal was acquired in mid-2015 by a global commerce company based on their success for the last 18 years selling eCommerce to wineries. Now part of TrueCommerce, WineryConnect and Nexternal have worked together since late 2015 and we have tightly integrated the Nexternal winery eCommerce platform with VinESB. We can say with confidence that Nexternal is an industry leading solution for wineries that want to sell Direct To Consumer, and in particular their subscription wine club is the best we’ve seen. Their support is outstanding, and their business processes are mature. 


In particular, the Nexternal Wine Club program offers capabilities not offered by any other wine club software we're aware of, and they have been tightly integrated with ShipCompliant for many years.


Along with Revel, Nexternal is the online and wine club component of the ecosystem a number of our clients are using: WineryConnect Offers A Complete Winery Solution

WooCommerce - Open Source eCommerce Platform


WooCommerce is the most popular open source online store out there. WineryConnect has developed specific expertise in supporting WooCommerce sites and in developing custom WooCommerce extensions to exactly suit our clients’ needs.


WineryConnect has developed particular expertise in supporting WooCommerce sites and in developing custom plug-ins for WooCommerce. Watch for more here.

Shopify -


Shopify is a leading premium online store, both for mid-market merchants and, with their Shopify Plus offering for very large organizations. WineryConnect has integrated VinESB with Shopify and WineryConnect’s sister company, CoordinatedCommerce, has built a very advanced Shopify App called OmniGift to help merchants run gift card programs across online and point of sale operations.



Quickbooks (Online and Desktop)


Quickbooks has been the de-facto accounting solution for small to medium businesses for many years. The Grape Squad has extensive experience helping wineries bring data from their various commerce activities into Quickbooks.

Biller Genie -​

Biller Genie is an innovative service which automates Accounts Receivable operations. Biller Genie sits on top of Quickbooks and when an invoice is generated, Biller Genie will send it to your customer, give your customer multiple options to pay the invoice (including ACH, Credit Card, auto-payment, etc.), and then once your customer pays, Biller Genie will automatically mark the invoice as paid in Quickbooks. We use Biller Genie and absolutely love it.

Gift Card Program

Factor 4 -​

In an IT meeting, one of our clients let us know that they were no longer going to sell gift cards online because their customers couldn't redeem them online and in-person at the Point Of Sale. We partnered with Factor 4, which is already integrated with over 100 POS systems (including Revel) to tie them to Shopify and to WooCommerce.

Wine Club/Compliance

Vinoshipper -​

Vinoshipper can be a cost-effective way to ship wine in compliance with state regulations, depending on context. We have wineries for whom we have integrated Vinoshipper into WooCommerce to create a very nice low-cost way to sell wine online. We have other clients who use Vinoshipper to ship only into certain states where the convenience of Vinoshipper makes it worth the transactional cost, but use other methods to ship in States where they have high volume. Vinoshipper is an excellent solution for the situations where it's appropriate.

Production Control

InnoVint -


In late 2018, WineryConnect evaluated a range of winery production control systems along with several of our clients. Our clients chose InnoVint and we have integrated InnoVint with VinESB to drive further operational efficiencies and also open up a world of possibilities in terms of overall organizational reporting and analytics.


Tock -


While our clients use a fairly diverse set of reservation systems, Tock is among the more popular.

General Business

Google Workspace -


When it comes to general IT systems like email, calendaring, groupware, file sharing, and such, there are really just two alternatives. Google offers their Workspace set of applications, and Microsoft offers M365.


Google Workspace is less expensive, tends to be easier to access and to share documents with, and tends to be better integrated into third party solutions (in our humble opinion). We use Google Workspace internally and have several clients that swear by it.

Microsoft 365 -


Microsoft is the unparalleled leader in terms of office software like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The Google equivalents to these applications fall short in many important respects. Even the web versions of these applications offered by Microsoft are lacking for anything like a "Power User." We use native Office applications internally for all our detailed work.


In addition, Microsoft 365 (M365) is more secure and mature as a general business environment (again in our humble option). We also have larger clients that use M365. This is certainly a case where "Best-Of-Breed" is in the eye of the beholder.


Email Marketing

MailChimp -


Email marketing is also a place where Your Mileage May Vary. The two leading systems are Constant Contact and MailChimp. Both have a large following of strong proponents.


MailChimp is slightly more popular among our clients. One particularly interesting fact is that Nexternal is integrated with MailChimp not just in terms of pushing newsletter subscribers over, but in terms of (if you choose) pushing detailed commerce data into "MailChimp 360" to do advanced drip-campaign marketing.

Constant Contact -


Email marketing is also a place where Your Mileage May Vary. The two leading systems are Constant Contact and MailChimp. Both have a large following of strong proponents.


From what we've seen, Constant Contact has a more user-friendly editing experience, but it's a close race.

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